Thursday, August 19, 2021

Gender Freaks Explained


In the Daily Mail on Tuesday the 17th August it ran a two-page spread of what I can only call queer-freaks because of who they think they are gender-wise. Of course, they are all related to LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning). For me, I’d rather call them heteroclites. 'Heteroclite'? I hear you ask, scratching your head. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary it is 'One that deviates from common norms or rules'. Hmmmm.

 Some of those heteroclites are:

1.  Transgender

2.  Non-binary genderqueer

3.  Genderfluid-cum-pansexual

4.  Autosexual

5.  Androgyne

6.  Pangender

7.  Polygender

8.  Demigirl/Boy

Before I go any further, and after reading the newspaper article, my mind drifted back to yesteryear as a boy growing up in the 50s and as a teen in the 60s. Never mind about the list above, back then we never even heard much about gays or lesbians. They didn't seem to exist certainly when it came to the media. No doubt they were on our streets but basically, these people kept themselves to themselves. So here we go.

1.  Transgender. Someone (it could be a man or a woman) doesn’t know which sex they are. Okay, if you’re born a man, just look between your legs: you’ve got two balls and a knob! A woman? Two tits and a slit! Simple.

2.  Non-binary genderqueer. A bit like a transgender but yes, you feel that you are queer. I've read that it denotes or relates to a person who 'does not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions but identifies with neither, both, or a combination of male and female genders'. What? Jesus H. Christ!

3.  Genderfluid-cum-pansexual. So we have a mix. A pansexual is a sexual attraction to everyone no matter their gender mixed with being gender fluid meaning you can feel like using male pronouns one day and female pronouns the next day. Huh - unbelievable!

4.  Autosexual. This is a great one. This is when one experiences sexual attraction primarily or exclusively towards themselves and can occur in many forms as follows: having a hard time (of course, if you're a man) responding to someone's sexual touch, but being able to or is comfortable with self-pleasing like masturbation.

5.  Androgyne. This is one (is it possibly a transgender?) whose appearance is neither clearly masculine nor clearly feminine. A being (I presume a human) of ambiguous sexual identity or one that combines masculine and feminine external manifestations of gender expression. You couldn’t make it up!

6.  Pangender-Polygender. A panny is a person whose gender identity is not limited to one gender and may encompass all genders at once. Whereas a poly is a non-binary gender identity in which a person feels that they have more than one gender identity. Oh, really? Imagine that!

7.  Demigirl/Boy. This can also be called a demiwoman/man, a demilady/man or a demifemale/male person and is a gender identity describing someone who partially, but not fully, identifies as a woman or girl, whatever their assigned gender at birth. They may or may not identify as another gender in addition to feeling partially a girl or woman. Confused? So am I!

I’m sorry if I come across as a bit sarcastic about all this gender guff. I mean, for Christ’s sake, we are all born, and I mean, every single human being on this planet, as either male or female. It’s been like this for the last, what, 50 million years, probably longer? It seems to me that all this gender ridiculousness arrived in society as if it was like some rejection of life as we know it. It’s maybe due to my age but I shall never get my head around all this gender paraphernalia. And the way life is evolving, I think it’s only a matter of time before we get an even more debauched mixture leading to . . .  

And lastly, the LBGTQ, or as I would interpret, the Lewd Buggered Gross Thwarted Queer movement!

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