Thursday, September 23, 2021

Why Does News Media Concentrate on Negativity?


Look, I'm a big fan of the news; always have been and always will be. However, in recent weeks I've been getting more and more concerned about this seeming obsession that the

likes of the BBC, ITV, Sky News, Fox, CNN - you name it - have with all things negativus (Latin for negative). I'm also a newspaper addict. I've been buying newspapers every single day for donkeys’ years! But unfortunately, the papers are going the same way as TV and online media.

So what's been a pain in the ass in recent weeks? Well, we can begin with forest fires. In Russia, they've experienced the worst forest fires ever recorded. Then there were the so-called Dixie Fire in California that has covered over 960,000 acres and, as I write, is still burning! Then the terrible bushfires in Australia. There have been terrible fires in India and throughout Europe covering Turkey, Greece, Italy and France. Then we get reports of earthquakes, floods, volcano eruptions. We're told that ice caps are melting which is a major cause of oceans and seas rising. And the news media just digest all this stuff and barrage us with it as a heavyweight boxer throws a knockout punch at his opponent.

And do you know what? It's going to get a whole lot worse: the pollution, earth's very structure and inner crust breaking, and many low-lying parts of the planet will be submerged with rising sea levels. The Maldives are already suffering from beach erosion and with only 1.27 metres above sea level, most of these islands will disappear within 20 years.

Okay, as for negative news media, I have in front of me today's (Sept 23) Daily Mail and Daily Mirror newspapers. So I was flicking through them and here's some items I picked out.

The Daily Mail:

·         'It Was Murder' - Mum insists NHS killed cancer patient . . .

·         Power Firms Fall Like Dominoes - Millions facing fuel bill shock . . .

·         New Assisted Dying Plans May Lead to Euthanasia - Denied dignity by healthcare system . . .

·         Ocean Levels See Record Rises as Ice Melts Faster - Ice hits a new low . . .

·         Girl of 15 Kills Herself - She was on drugs linked to suicides . . .

The Daily Mirror:

·         Xmas Trees Shortfall and Meat Prices Will Rocket - Problems with price increases and supply chains . . .

·         Boyfriend in Court over Murder of Mum and Kids - Heartfelt tributes to tragic victims . . .

·         200,000 Kids Are Asking for Help - Pandemic mental health crisis . . .

·         Suddenly Anna Stopped Moving - Lover strangled Brit in hotel . . .

·         Knife Thug's Sick Boasts in Prison - Killer gloats online over victim . . .

You will notice by reading to this point that there is one thing that I have left out. Yes, you guessed, Covid-19. I don't know about you guys but I have had my fill of the relentless coverage of this virus. Yes, I am well aware, as everybody else is, of how this horrendous pandemic has created suffering and chaos in every aspect of our lives and lifestyles. But again, the news media, daily, keep ramming down our throats the statistics like an alcoholic opening his second bottle of whisky within 12 hours!

So how do we handle this barrow load of negativism on a day-to-day basis? Simple. You turn off your television or radio as soon as the news comes on. You avoid all forms of newspapers and magazines again on a daily basis. You avoid Internet news items many of which you’d see on Yahoo, etc. So how would I go about it? Go and make a cup of coffee, have a beer or a large glass of veeno! But I need my newspapers - my only addiction😀😁😀!!

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