Thursday, September 2, 2021

United States Wars - Afghan Lessons Learnt?


As a young boy whilst attending primary and secondary schools in Central Scotland back in the 60s, we were taught and learned much about the United States of America. It was the richest country in the world, made great films, music, had worldwide sports stars and was the Land of the Free. When in our teens we would go to McDonalds, ate hamburgers and French fries and drank Coca-Cola. Americanisation had arrived in Britain. I was a great lover of music. There were the likes of Elvis Presley, the Four Tops, Roy Orbison, Stevie Wonder, the Three Degrees, Bob Dylan; I could go on. Yes, we all thought America, a great country, marvellous, the origin of such greatness in the world . . . the land of liberalisation and free speech.

If only things were really like that. Why? Because there was another side to this great country - military interests - and in this blog I will explain as best as I can why recent events (August 31 - September 1) in Afghanistan finally resulted in American military failure. But, you know, America has gotten involved in so many armed conflicts resulting in death and destruction that it makes me wonder why?

Let's take a look at recent escapades (wars). Forget the Second World War. Between 1950 and 1974/1975 there was the involvement in Indochina, firstly, the Korean War with the so-called enemies of China, Russia and of course North Korea. Two years later it was America's Vietnam War and its disastrous exit from Saigon. One would think that America had learned its lessons after nearly 25 years fighting in Indochina but no! Between 1966 and 1969 the Americans found themselves back in Korea this time to do with the Demilitarized Zone; this resulted in three years spent fighting with no territorial changes. From 1982 - 1990 America was involved in conflicts in Lebanon, Grenada and Panama. All of these conflicts came under the heading of the Cold War but it was in August 1990 and Operation Desert Shield, that would see the United States waging war against Iraq in The Middle East and the so-called Iraqi No-Fly Zone Enforcement Operations that would last 12 years.

In Europe after the breakup of the Soviet Union, America got involved in ridiculous conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Kosovo War in Serbia between 1992 and 1999. But then Afghanistan happened. And yet another Iraq War that had American involvement between 2003 - 2011 which led to the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's government and his eventual capture and death. And remember this is all going on during the war in Afghanistan. And lastly, we had American intervention in Operation Ocean Shield (against Somali pirates), the Libyan Crisis and first civil war and the disastrous involvement in Syria.

Phew, it sounds like a mad nightmare. And the costs? Well having done quite a bit of research on the subject it would seem that the United States, from 1950 to the present day, would have spent at least $5 trillion on all these wars and conflicts. Deaths? This is difficult to clarify but I would suggest that from this same time period America lost at least, and I’d say at a minimum, 102,000 lives.

And then we had Joe ‘the Stooge’ Biden who said evacuating all Americans from Afghanistan was a victory. Sorry, mate, it was no victory but a loss. And then he stated that he vowed to defend the US against evolving threats from terrorist groups, such as ISIS, without getting the US involved in another ground war. “The U.S. must now confront challenges from powerful adversaries such as Russia and China as well.”

Look, there’s never winners in war, only losers followed by hurt and suffering. 

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